---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Vivian McPhail <haskell.vivian.mcph...@gmail.com>
Date: 22 June 2011 17:17
Subject: #4459: Loading Names and Types via GHC
To: cvs-...@haskell.org


I can successfully set up GHC and compile a module, say 'X.hs'.

dynload :: Symbol -> ModuleName -> DynType (Either [String] DynamicHValue)
dynload sym m = do
  liftGhc $ GHC.setTargets [GHC.Target (GHC.TargetModule m) True Nothing]
  res <- liftGhc $ GHC.load GHC.LoadAllTargets
  case res of
    GHC.Failed    -> return $
        Left ["failed to load module: "++(moduleNameString m)]
    GHC.Succeeded -> do

I'm failing to load the symbol, with a "not in scope" error:
             nms <- liftGhc $ GHC.parseName sym
             case nms of
               [] -> return $ Left ["could not find name: <<"
               (n:_) -> do

I am attempting to then load the `HValue` and `Type` of a given variable:

                        mod <- liftGhc $ GHC.findModule m Nothing
                        Just mod_info <- liftGhc $ GHC.getModuleInfo mod
                        Just ty <- liftGhc $ GHC.modInfoLookupName mod_info
                        hval <- withSession $ \hsc_env ->
                               liftIO $ getHValue hsc_env n
                        return $ Right (DynamicHValue ty hval)

However, I am not sure how to create a `Name` from a String that is the
variable name.  How do I do that?  I can get a list of names, but I get an
error "Not in scope: `<var_name>`

Also, what is the difference between a `Type` and a `TyThing` and which
should I be using?

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