#4370: Bring back monad comprehensions
  Reporter:  simonpj          |          Owner:                  
      Type:  feature request  |         Status:  new             
  Priority:  normal           |      Milestone:  _|_             
 Component:  Compiler         |        Version:  6.12.3          
Resolution:                   |       Keywords:                  
  Testcase:                   |      Blockedby:                  
Difficulty:                   |             Os:  Unknown/Multiple
  Blocking:                   |   Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple
   Failure:  None/Unknown     |  
Changes (by simonpj):

  * owner:  simonpj =>
  * priority:  high => normal
  * status:  patch => new
  * milestone:  7.2.1 => _|_


 George, concerning your question, the trouble is that (as the user manual
 says) we check that the `fmap` function in scope has type
   fmap :: forall a b. (a->b) -> n a -> n b
 Why those foralls?  Because we are going to apply `fmap` to lots of
 different arguments.  See Section 4.4 of http://research.microsoft.com/en-
 us/um/people/simonpj/papers/list-comp/list-comp.pdf for a discussion of
 why we ask for polymorphism.

 So I don't know how to give you what you want here... but I can also see
 your problem.

 In short, its not just an implementation bug; there's something
 substantial to think about here.  I'll re-open the ticket, to keep track
 of the question, but I'm not sure how to proceed.

Ticket URL: <http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/4370#comment:65>
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