#5633: TypeFamilies don't seem to play with LIberalTypeSynonyms
  Reporter:  ocharles                   |          Owner:                       
      Type:  bug                        |         Status:  closed               
  Priority:  normal                     |      Milestone:                       
 Component:  Compiler                   |        Version:  7.0.4                
Resolution:  invalid                    |       Keywords:  TypeFamilies 
  Testcase:                             |      Blockedby:                       
Difficulty:                             |             Os:  Linux                
  Blocking:                             |   Architecture:  x86                  
   Failure:  GHC rejects valid program  |  
Changes (by simonpj):

  * status:  new => closed
  * resolution:  => invalid


 The first program works because of a non-Haskell98 feature of GHC.
 type synonyms, and type families, must be fully applied.  However with
 LiberalTypeSynonyms, GHC fully expands "outer" type synonyms before
 checking for the full application of "inner" ones.  In this example, we
      foo : Generic Int Id
 where `Id` is not fully applied.  However, if `Generic` is a type synonym
 we expand it before making the check, so it's now like
      foo :: Id Int
 and lo, `Id` is fully applies.

 Now, type synonyms are easy to apply on the fly; it's another thing
 entirely with type families, which can "get stuck" (ie not reduce)
 if their arguments are no sufficiently informative  Moreover, you can
 pattern match on their arguments.  For example, if you wrote
         type instance Generic Int Maybe = Bool
 would you expect that to work, with `Maybe` not matching against `Id`?
 Presumably not.

 The pure type synonyms can always reduce, and never do pattern
 matching, so these issue do not arise.  I can't see an easy way to
 lift the restriction.

Ticket URL: <http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/5633#comment:1>
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