#5539: GHC panic -  Simplifier ticks exhausted
  Reporter:  hvr                 |          Owner:  simonpj       
      Type:  bug                 |         Status:  new           
  Priority:  high                |      Milestone:  7.4.1         
 Component:  Compiler            |        Version:  7.3           
Resolution:                      |       Keywords:                
        Os:  Linux               |   Architecture:  x86_64 (amd64)
   Failure:  Compile-time crash  |     Difficulty:  Unknown       
  Testcase:                      |      Blockedby:                
  Blocking:                      |        Related:                

Comment(by rl):

 I completely agree about having simple rules. However, the rule about what
 gets inlined into unfoldings is, IMO, not simple as this example shows.
 I've argued before that if a function becomes small enough to inline in
 ''any'' phase (rather than just at the very end) GHC should just freeze
 its unfolding and mark it as INLINABLE in that phase. This is essentially
 what happens now within a single module but not across modules. Then,
 small functions like `not` or `(||)` would always be INLINABLE. GHC would
 be able to inline them into unfoldings (I'm not sure if it would do so now
 but there doesn't seem to be a reason not to). This would also remove the
 (often rather surprising) difference in inlining behaviour depending on
 whether things are defined in the same module or in different ones.

 Alternatively, we should go through the standard libraries and mark small
 functions such as `not` as INLINE or INLINABLE. I agree that GHC allows us
 to say what we want but the libraries often don't do so. Do we want `not`
 to be inlined into unfoldings? Most probably, as this example shows. But
 then we should say so!

 I will fix `vector`, the change has to be made in the upstream repo, not
 in GHC's local version.

 I can't make the bounds check out-of-line because that absolutely kills
 optimisations and would make the cost of bounds checking far too high.
 Just as an example, here is a small function:

 f :: Vector Int -> Int
 f xs = (xs ! 0) + (xs ! 1)

 Here is what GHC generates for this now:

 $wf :: Vector Int -> Int#
 $wf = \xs -> case xs `cast` ... of { Vector a b c ->
              case 0 #< b of { False -> <error>
                               True ->
              case 1 #< b of { False -> <error>
                               True ->
              indexIntArray# c a +# indexIntArray# c (a +# 1)
              } } }

 Here is what it would generate if `(!)` wasn't inlined:

 $wf = \xs -> case xs ! 0 of { I# x ->
              case ys ! 1 of { I# y ->
              x +# y } }

 That would be really bad. It might be possible to improve this but at the
 cost of significant increase in vector's code complexity which I'd rather

Ticket URL: <http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/5539#comment:32>
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