#5816: static linking silently fails in ghc
    Reporter:  carter          |       Owner:              
        Type:  bug             |      Status:  infoneeded  
    Priority:  normal          |   Milestone:              
   Component:  Compiler        |     Version:  7.2.2       
    Keywords:  linking osx     |          Os:  MacOS X     
Architecture:  x86_64 (amd64)  |     Failure:  None/Unknown
  Difficulty:  Unknown         |    Testcase:              
   Blockedby:                  |    Blocking:              
     Related:                  |  

Comment(by carter):

 i'm not sure you can replicate it with a vanilla os x install (which has
 to have x11 and Xcode installed presumable), or at least I don't know how,
 in a context less complicated than using gtk related tools. maybe if you
 build cairo and the rest of the gtk tools with the extra include and lib
 dirs being /usr/x11/lib and  /usr/x11/include , you can replicate  the
 problem. If need be I'll test that out this evening, but I can't right

 i know that  if you follow all the steps in
 https://gist.github.com/1655271 but don't install/build libfreetype as it
 suggests, you will find you can build and use the chart and diagrams
 libraries in ghci, but if you compile the same programs with ghc, they
 will fail.

Ticket URL: <http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/5816#comment:2>
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