#5844: Panic on generating Core code
    Reporter:  JamesFisher       |       Owner:                    
        Type:  bug               |      Status:  new               
    Priority:  normal            |   Milestone:  7.6.1             
   Component:  External Core     |     Version:  7.4.1             
    Keywords:                    |          Os:  Unknown/Multiple  
Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple  |     Failure:  Compile-time crash
  Difficulty:  Unknown           |    Testcase:                    
   Blockedby:                    |    Blocking:                    
     Related:                    |  

Comment(by simonpj):

 Short answer Yes... but there is a longer and more interesting answer.
 External Core is designed to round-trip, thus:
  * External Core is a '''data type''' defined in `coreSyn/ExternalCore`.
  * Core is converted to the External Core data type by
  * The External Core data type is printed by `PprExternalCore` into
 concrete syntax.
  * The modified External Core can be parsed by `parser/ParserCore`.
 However, it is not parsed into the External Core data type, but rather
 into "Iface Core" defined in `iface/IfaceSyn`.
  * The Iface Core data type (thus parsed) can be converted to Core by

 What is Iface Core?  Iface Core is a data type that GHC uses every time
 you compile a module.  During compilation, GHC converts Core into Iface
 Core, and then serialises Iface Core into the "M.hi" interface file, in a
 binary format.  This is done by `iface/BinIface`.  Then, when GHC wants to
 read an interface file, it de-serialises M.hi into Iface Core, and then
 converts Iface Core into Core with `iface/TcIface`.  ''What this means is
 that Iface Core gets plenty of love: it is on our critical path.''

 Why does "External Core" do the round trip via the ''External Core'' data
 type on the way our, but via ''Iface Core'' data type on the way in?  This
 mis-match just an aretefact of an earlier era: when we first implemented
 External Core, there ''was'' no Iface Core.

 I think the Right Thing to do is to complete the change that we have
 already started:
  * Abandon the Exgternal Core data type entirely.
  * The conversion from Core to Iface Core is already done (in
 `iface/MkIface`), because GHC uses it every time it compiles a moudle.
  * Change the pretty-printer for External Core to pretty-print the Iface
 Core rarther than External Core. In fact there already ''is'' a pretty-
 printer for Iface Core, in `iface/LoadIface.pprModIface`, although it
 might require minor modification.

 The bottom line is that we'd be abandoning the External Core ''data type''
 (though not its concrete syntax), and switching entirely to Iface Core,
 which is much better maintained.  Less code, more robust to change; what's
 not to like?

 Now, while I say that there is a pretty printer for Iface Core already, it
 is designed mainly for humans; it is used when you say `ghc --show-iface
 M.hi`, and for no other purpose.  The External Core concrete syntax, on
 the other hand, is designed to be '''parseable''' as well, so that the
 round-trip mechanism (print Exgternal Core, modify it, and read it back
 in) works right.  But I think it would be quite acceptable to modify the
 Iface Core pretty-printer to use External Core syntax, because the Iface
 Core pretty printer has an output-only role in GHC.  (If you do this, I
 suggest you put the new pretty-printer in a module of its own, perhaps

 If this was done, the maintenance burden of External Core, if/when we add
 new features to Core, would be reduced to
  * Designing new concrete (ASCII) syntax for the new features
  * Writing the pretty-printer and parser for this new syntax

 I do think that the concrete syntax of External Core should be described
 by a human-readable BNF grammar, not only by a Happy parser.  We have a
 very old Latex document describing External Core (including is syntax);
 I'd like to see it become a full part of the documentation, perhaps by
 convrting it to SGML and making it a full part of the GHC user manual.

 This isn't a big task, and it's one that is well separated from the rest
 of GHC.  Would anyone like to take it on?  I'd be happy to advise if so.

 I wonder who uses External Core?

Ticket URL: <http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/5844#comment:7>
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