#4385: Type-level natural numbers
    Reporter:  diatchki                 |       Owner:  diatchki        
        Type:  feature request          |      Status:  new             
    Priority:  normal                   |   Milestone:  7.4.1           
   Component:  Compiler (Type checker)  |     Version:                  
    Keywords:                           |          Os:  Unknown/Multiple
Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple         |     Failure:  None/Unknown    
  Difficulty:                           |    Testcase:                  
   Blockedby:                           |    Blocking:                  
     Related:                           |  

Comment(by diatchki):


 work on the type nats is still in progress, support for type nat literlas,
 generalized type type-level operators, and type-level string literals is
 available in the type-nats branch of GHC.

 There used to be a solver for type-level functions on nats as well, but it
 is dibaled for the moment.   The current task is to decide how to
 integrate the evidence generated by the solver with the evidence that GHC
 uses.  I've been a bit busy with work lately, but I am hoping to restart
 hacking on the solver integration in the next few weeks.

Ticket URL: <http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/4385#comment:49>
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