#5899: GHC RTS crash w/ strange closure type 603975781 on OS X 10.8
 Reporter:  dylukes        |          Owner:                                    
     Type:  bug            |         Status:  new                               
 Priority:  normal         |      Component:  Runtime System                    
  Version:  7.4.1          |       Keywords:  rts, strange closure, internal 
error, os x
       Os:  MacOS X        |   Architecture:  x86_64 (amd64)                    
  Failure:  Runtime crash  |       Testcase:                                    
Blockedby:                 |       Blocking:                                    
  Related:                 |  

Comment(by dylukes):

 I initially thought this might only affect 64bit programs compiled by
 64bit GHC... but it seems in (rarer) cases it may affect 32bit programs...
 Though, that may be another issue entirely.

Ticket URL: <http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/5899#comment:7>
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