#5955: Renamer hangs when checking type family consistency
 Reporter:  gmainland         |          Owner:                  
     Type:  bug               |         Status:  new             
 Priority:  normal            |      Component:  Compiler        
  Version:  7.4.1             |       Keywords:                  
       Os:  Unknown/Multiple  |   Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple
  Failure:  None/Unknown      |       Testcase:                  
Blockedby:                    |       Blocking:                  
  Related:                    |  
 checkFamInstConsistency goes into and endless loop in some situations when
 called from tcRnImports. I have attached a tarball containing a boiled-
 down example consisting of three .hs files and a shell script. The hang
 only happens when compiling the three files (in dependency order) manually
 with -c; the hang does not happen with --make. So it looks like importing
 a module is not loading something that checkFamInstConsistency is assuming
 is there.

Ticket URL: <http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/5955>
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