#5899: RTS crash w/ strange closure type 603975781 on OS X 10.8
    Reporter:  dylukes                                     |       Owner:       
        Type:  bug                                         |      Status:  new  
    Priority:  high                                        |   Milestone:  
   Component:  Runtime System                              |     Version:  
    Keywords:  rts, strange closure, internal error, os x  |          Os:  
MacOS X      
Architecture:  x86_64 (amd64)                              |     Failure:  
Runtime crash
  Difficulty:  Unknown                                     |    Testcase:       
   Blockedby:                                              |    Blocking:       
     Related:                                              |  

Comment(by simonmar):

 One thought occurred to me: maybe if we set the size of the `_dsp` symbol
 to be the size of the info table plus the size of the code, that would
 prevent `ld` from separating them.  But, as far as I can tell, symbols do
 not have sizes in Mach-O.

 I'm a bit bemused at how the linker can get away with reordering code
 within an object file.  The behaviour seems to be inconsistent with the
 man page for ld, which says

      The object files are loaded in the order in which they are specified
      the command line.  The segments and the sections in those segments
      appear in the output file in the order they are encountered in the
      files being linked.
      The use of the -order_file option will alter the layout rules above,
      move the symbols specified to start of their section.

 which doesn't explicitly say that code within a section will not be
 reordered, but it strongly implies that.

Ticket URL: <http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/5899#comment:24>
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