#6130: Weak pointer to MVar is finalized, even though MVar is still accessible
 Reporter:  jmillikin                    |          Owner:                  
     Type:  bug                          |         Status:  new             
 Priority:  normal                       |      Component:  Compiler        
  Version:  7.4.1                        |       Keywords:                  
       Os:  Unknown/Multiple             |   Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple
  Failure:  Incorrect result at runtime  |       Testcase:                  
Blockedby:                               |       Blocking:                  
  Related:                               |  
 I'm seeing a problem mixing MVar and Weak: even though the MVar is still
 accessible from a function's scope (and the main thread is blocking on
 it), the Weak thinks it should be finalized.

 Only seems to happen when compiled with -O2.

 Platform: 64-bit Linux
 Reproduced with GHC versions: 6.10.4, 6.12.3, 7.0.4, 7.2.2, 7.4.1

 module Main (main) where

 import           Control.Concurrent
 import           Control.Monad (forever, forM_)
 import           Data.IORef
 import           System.Mem
 import           System.Mem.Weak

 dispatchPendingCalls :: IORef [Weak (MVar ())] -> IO ()
 dispatchPendingCalls ref = forever $ do
         threadDelay 100000

         pending <- atomicModifyIORef ref (\p -> ([], p))
         forM_ pending (\weak -> do
                 maybeMVar <- deRefWeak weak
                 case maybeMVar of
                         Just mvar -> putMVar mvar ()
                         Nothing -> putStrLn "dispatchReply: weak mvar is

 call :: IORef [Weak (MVar ())] -> IO ()
 call ref = do
         mvar <- newEmptyMVar
         weak <- mkWeakPtr mvar (Just (putStrLn "call: finalising weak"))

         putStrLn "call: about to insert weak into list"
         atomicModifyIORef ref (\p -> (weak : p, ()))
         putStrLn "call: inserted weak into list"
         takeMVar mvar
         putStrLn "call: took from mvar"

 main :: IO ()
 main = do
         pendingCalls <- newIORef []
         _ <- forkIO (dispatchPendingCalls pendingCalls)
         call pendingCalls

 Expected output:
 $ ghc --make WeakVar.hs
 $ ./WeakMvar
 call: about to insert weak into list
 call: inserted weak into list
 call: took from mvar

 Actual output:
 $ ghc --make -O2 WeakVar.hs
 $ ./WeakMvar
 call: about to insert weak into list
 call: inserted weak into list
 call: finalizing weak
 dispatchReply: weak mvar is Nothing

Ticket URL: <http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/6130>
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