#7199: Standalone deriving Show at GHCi prompt causes divergence when printing
 Reporter:  dpmulligan  |          Owner:                            
     Type:  bug         |         Status:  new                       
 Priority:  normal      |      Component:  GHCi                      
  Version:  7.4.1       |       Keywords:  deriving, divergence, ghci
       Os:  Linux       |   Architecture:  x86                       
  Failure:  GHCi crash  |       Testcase:                            
Blockedby:              |       Blocking:                            
  Related:              |  
 Deriving a show instance for a data type (defined either with the standard
 Haskell 98 syntax or with GADT syntax) within GHCi using the command:

 instance Show <typename>

 causes divergence/stack overflow when printing values of that type.  The
 issue does not manifest itself when you use the standard deriving
 mechanism within a Haskell source file.

 Minimum example necessary to replicate:

 module Main (

   -- At GHCi prompt type
   --   instance Show Bool'
   -- then
   --   True'
   -- to get a stack overflow
   data Bool'
     = True'
     | False'

   main = return ()

Ticket URL: <http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/7199>
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