#7220: Confusing error message in type checking related to type family, fundep,
and higher-rank type
  Reporter:  tsuyoshi                     |          Owner:  simonpj         
      Type:  bug                          |         Status:  closed          
  Priority:  normal                       |      Milestone:  7.8.1           
 Component:  Compiler (Type checker)      |        Version:  7.6.1-rc1       
Resolution:  fixed                        |       Keywords:                  
        Os:  Unknown/Multiple             |   Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple
   Failure:  None/Unknown                 |     Difficulty:  Unknown         
  Testcase:  typecheck/should_fail/T7220  |      Blockedby:                  
  Blocking:                               |        Related:                  
Changes (by simonpj):

  * status:  new => closed
  * testcase:  => typecheck/should_fail/T7220
  * resolution:  => fixed


 "I cannot think of any reason why it should relate the type (forall b. (C
 A b, TF b ~ Y) => b) with Y".  Here's why:
 u :: (C A b, TF b ~ Y) => b
 u = undefined

 v :: X
 v = (f :: (forall b. (C A b, TF b ~ Y) => b) -> X) u
  * GHC instanatiates the occurence of `u`, given type just `beta`, where
 `beta` is a fresh unification variable.  Plus constraints `(C A beta, TF
 beta ~ Y)`.

  * Now it tries to unify `beta` with the expected arugment type of the `(f
 :: sig)` expression. This argument type is `(forall b. (C A b, TF b ~ Y)
 => b)`

  * So GHC (until today) would unify `beta := forall b. (C A b, TF b ~ Y)
 => b`.

  * So the constraint `(TF beta ~ Y)` turns into (TF (forall b. (C A b, TF
 b ~ Y) => b) ~ Y)`, and that's the error you saw.

 But really GHC should not have taken the third step above (at least not
 without `-XImpredicativeTypes`).  With the patch that fixes #6069 and
 #7264 it no longer does so, yielding instead
     Cannot instantiate unification variable `b0'
     with a type involving foralls: forall b. (C A b, TF b ~ Y) => b
       Perhaps you want -XImpredicativeTypes
     In the expression: f :: (forall b. (C A b, TF b ~ Y) => b) -> X
     In the expression: (f :: (forall b. (C A b, TF b ~ Y) => b) -> X) u
     In an equation for `v':
         v = (f :: (forall b. (C A b, TF b ~ Y) => b) -> X) u
 which isn't fantastic but is perhaps less confusing than before.

Ticket URL: <http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/7220#comment:3>
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