#7192: Bug in -fregs-graph with -fnew-codegen
    Reporter:  simonmar          |       Owner:  benl            
        Type:  bug               |      Status:  new             
    Priority:  highest           |   Milestone:  7.8.1           
   Component:  Compiler          |     Version:  7.7             
    Keywords:                    |          Os:  Unknown/Multiple
Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple  |     Failure:  None/Unknown    
  Difficulty:  Unknown           |    Testcase:                  
   Blockedby:                    |    Blocking:  4258            
     Related:                    |  

Comment(by simonmar):

 Aha! You're absolutely right, it's a bug, sorry about that.  I'm
 validating a fix right now.  I don't seem to be able to reproduce the
 original problem, but I've definitely fixed the missing `R1` dependency.

 I still think we need to look at the graph-colouring allocator though,
 because I think it is interacting badly with the code generated by the new
 code generator.  The code I've seen doesn't look great.  I'm leaving it
 turned off for the time being, and I'll make a separate ticket.

 If you could verify that you don't see the wrong answers any more after my
 patch, that would be great.  Patch coming shortly...

Ticket URL: <http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/7192#comment:9>
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