> While hacking around with MPCs, trying to define a variant of the
> Collection class, mutated to suit my own fiendish ends, I ran into
> this:
> Intervals.hs:345:
>     Class type variable `e' does not appear in method signature
>         union2 :: s -> s -> s
> What's the significance of this restriction?  (I presume this is caused
> by a requirement that all class vars appear in all methods.)  I don't
> recall it being mentioned in the proposal for MPCs, but I may have
> overlooked and/or forgotten it.  I don't suppose it ever really "bites"
> anyone, since one can always shove the appropriate constraint on the
> missing variable into the other methods, that do use it, but I don't
> instantly see why that's The Way to do it.

Not a dunce question.

I think the only reason for the original restriction in Haskell
(with one param) is this:

        class C a where
          op :: Int -> Int

Here op :: C a => Int -> Int, and hence *any* use of op is bound
to be ambiguous... which instance of C should we choose?  Hence
the rule. 

In the multi-paramter case things are less clear:

        class C a b where
           op :: a -> a

Here, op :: C a b => a -> a.  So suppose we use op on an Int argument.
Then we need to find an instance for (C Int b).  If there is an 

        instance C Int b where

(and of course no overlapping instances) then we are home.
Is that your stituation here?  Maybe it is.  But more likely
you have

        instance C Int Int where

and now you're stuck, even if that's the only instance of (C Int t),
for any t.  Why stuck?  Because we ruled out "improvement" which
would instantiate b to Int in this case, on the grounds that 
its the only solution.

So, which is your situation?


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