
I try to use C-Pointers in Haskell by invoking GreenCard 2.0.

The C-Function I want to use is declared like this:

>    %fun listTo :: Int -> [Int]        within the Haskell-source and
>    int *listTo( int i )                         within the C-source

Now, what GreenCard 2.0 makes out of that is the following:

>    listTo :: Int -> [Int]
>    listTo arg1 =
>      unsafePerformIO(
>        _casm_ ``do {int arg1;;
>       arg1 = %0;
>       do {res1 = listTo(arg1);;} while(0);} while(0);'' arg1
>        (unmarshall_listLenTypeVar "Int" res1 res2) >>= \ gc_res1 ->
>        (return (gc_res1)))

So far, so good. But now GHC 3.01 complains that:

>    GHC-C-gc.hs:41: Value not in scope: `unmarshall_listLenTypeVar_'
>    GHC-C-gc.hs:41: Value not in scope: `res1'
>    GHC-C-gc.hs:41: Value not in scope: `res2'

The command-line looks like this:
>     ghc -fglasgow-exts -fvia-C -fno-prune-tydecls -syslib posix -o
GHC-C      GHC-C-gc.hs List.c Add.c StdDIS.o

What is the problem here? GreenCard obviously knows how to handle types
like             Int -> [Int], but GHC doesn't.  How can I fix that?
Please help!


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