Hi again,

I did not manage to compile the hs-file generated by green-card with
ghc-4.02 yet. The output is:

> bla.hs:54:11: parse error on input: "`"

the code:

> mkPE :: Int -> IO Int
> mkPE arg1 =
>   _casm_ ``do {int arg1;int res1;           -- <:)> this is line 54
>              arg1 = (int)%0;
>              do {res1 = mkPE(arg1);
>                  %r = (int)(res1);} while(0);} while(0);'' arg1
>   >>= \  res1  ->
>   (return (res1))

this compiles perfectly well with 4.01. Also, green-card itself does
not compile with 4.02. Should I use haskell-1.4 (ie ghc-4.01) only or
do I miss something?


Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik

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