| > So that's two type-system things that would make your life easier.
| > 
| >     - how bad is it to use case?
| The existing alternatives are pretty easily liveable-with (though case
| happens to be my least favoured option), they just seem odd 
| as restrictions, and look a tad peculiar.
| >     - would pattern-matching on non-rec lets help you?
| It would have;  I'd be happy with this, though a small part of me
| wonders if doing this might not enrage some future user who bumps into
| the thus-moved limitation in a less clearly circumscribed case.
| To wit, is it better to say, no recusive bindings, or, more 
| syntactically simply, no lets or wheres?

My provisional conclusion is

a) indeed the rules are a tad peculiar
b) but weakening them is a non-trivial task, and
c) living with them isn't ruining your live, and
d) it's not obvious what an appropriate weakening would be

so e) I propose to leave this one on the wish list, for now at least.


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