> I'm not quite sure, whether this is a bug at all, so maybe someone can
> explain this behaviour to me:
> Consider the following piece of code:
> \begin{code}
> import Exception
> foo = do
>   res <- tryAll (someObscureComputationThatThrowsErrors)
>   putStr "This is immediately printed: "
>   print res -- here res gets evaluated (which usually takes some time)
>             -- and the error occurs despite the `tryAll'
> someObscureComputationThatThrowsErrors :: (Int,Int)
> someObscureComputationThatThrowsErrors = runST $
>    -- ...
>    if condition
>      then return (1,1)
>      else error "BANG"
> main = foo
> \end{code}
> The above code (i.e., the code, from where this example is 
> derived) lets the
> program die with error "BANG" (if condition is False), 
> although there is a
> `tryAll' statement, that should catch these errors!

I tried something similar, but couldn't reproduce the problem.  Could you
send us the code?

If you embed the (error "BANG") inside a data structure, then it can indeed
excape from the tryAll because seq only evaluates to WHNF.

        tryAll [error "BANG!"]

will return (Right [error "BANG!"]), and

        tryAll (runST (return (error "BANG!")))

will return (Right (error "BANG!")), because return isn't strict.

        tryALl (runST (error "BANG!"))

will return (Left (ErrorCall "BANG!")).


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