> > > The compiler cannot guess that some primitive Float->Double 
> > > function can
> > > be used instead of going through Rational.
> > 
> > If enough inlining is done, then it should be able to deforest the
> > intermediate Rational and generate the same code.  But I 
> agree, using RULES
> > here is quicker and doesn't rely on some hefty unfoldings.
> Unless ghc has gotten incredibly clever I don't believe that.  Look at
> the code involved in such a conversion.  It involves, among 
> many other things,
> encodeFloat and decodeFloat.  So unless you have taught ghc about how
> floating point numbers are represented on all your target 
> machines (I mean,
> it doesn't have to be IEEE) you can't really inline these at 
> compile time.
> No, this is a perfect example of where you need a RULE.
> (BTW, hbc has optimized these conversion since about 6 years ago.)

Ah yes, I forgot how complex fromRat was.  Good point.


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