Here's my first feedback concerning GHC 5.01 for Win:

There are significant improvements of compilation speed (about 20% faster, sometimes 
even more) and the generated code's size (about 40% smaller). And the new "--make" 
option and GHCi are really great features!

However, I already discovered some smaller problems, too:
- The included version of HaXml (including dtdtohaskell.exe etc.) is not up-to-date.
- I had some "Dr. Watson"s when leaving GHCi. I think, it was in a case with a 
possible heap overflow. I'll try to analyze it further.
- When running GHC with the "--make" option, sometimes it stoppes with an error 
message ("the impossible happened" ...). I will also try to make this situations 

Some smaller problems are:
- When leaving out the "-o" option, GHC4.08.2 defaulted to "main.exe", but GHC5 
doesn't anymore (produces "a.out").
- I didn't find a way yet to force GHCi to load a module in "interpreted" mode, even 
if an up-to-date object file is present. Is there a way to do this without deleting 
.hi/.o first?


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