From: "Julian Seward (Intl Vendor)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
         Cc: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
         X-OriginalArrivalTime: 30 Oct 2001 09:55:44.0099 (UTC) 


         | from time to time ghc compiled programs simply crash on
         | my windows2000 without any meaningfull error message. I guess 
         | this has something to do with storage management (I vaguely 
         | remember having read something about errors durcing gc on 
         | this list, but did not find the corresponding posts in the archive).

         ghc-5.02 has a known bug on Win32 only, which causes all
         programs compiled with it to die silently when the heap size
         reaches 128 megabytes.  This is fixed in the upcoming 5.02.1.

         You did not say what version ghc you are using or give any
         other details.  If you tell us more we might be able to help


Sorry that I was not more specific in my previous mail. Yes, it is
the known bug of heaps larger than 128m on Windows. Simon M. 
helped me to figure that out yesterday evening.

Thanks to both of you

Sven Eric

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