I seriously doubt that you want to produce all the .hcr files for the entire set of 
GHC's libraries.  They'll be pretty big.

But if you do, just get a GHC build tree, make your GHC, get into the libraries tree
(fptools/libraries) and type 
        make EXTRA_HC_OPTS=-fext-core

That'll build the libraries and dump an .hcr file for each module


| -----Original Message-----
| From: Martin Sjögren [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
| Sent: 18 February 2003 09:55
| Subject: RE: The semantics of Core?
| tis 2003-02-18 klockan 09.49 skrev Simon Peyton-Jones:
| > I don't know of any separate description of the semantics of Core, but it's just 
| lambda calculus with let, letrec and case.  There's plenty of code that works over 
| in GHC itself, but no separate libraries.  There is a library to parse the stuff 
|that ghc -
| fext-core spits out, though.
| I was more interested in the strictness properties. The way I understood
| it, Core case is strict?
| I looked at utils/ext-core and now I'm stuck at producing all the .hcr
| files needed. I just can't think of a good way of getting .hcr files
| from all modules that Prelude imports. I've tried tricks with -fno-code
| and tricks with --make -no-hs-main but to no avail so far. With
| ghc --make -fglasgow-exts -fext-core -no-hs-main Prelude.hs
| I get
| GHC/Base.lhs:84: parse error on input `#'
| If I pass -cpp too, I get
| GHC/Base.lhs:96:
|     failed to load interface for `GHC.Err':
|         Bad interface file: GHC/Err.hi-boot
|             does not exist
| Action: openFile
| Reason: No such file or directory
| File: GHC/Err.hi-boot
| I'm confused. All manner of help appreciated. :)
| /Martin
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