ons 2003-06-11 klockan 20.56 skrev Martin Sjögren:
> ons 2003-06-11 klockan 20.04 skrev Koen Claessen:
> >  | Ghci and Template Haskell show that it is possible to
> >  | compile and load a module into a running program.  Is
> >  | there a user interface to do that?  Would one be
> >  | possible?  Would that make a Haskell analog of Yaws
> >  | (yaws.hyber.org) possible?
> >  |
> >  | For those who don't know Yaws: It is a web server
> >  | written in Erlang that can compile and load Erlang
> >  | code embedded in HTML files to produce dynamic pages.
> >  | I have played with it a bit, and it seems useful to
> >  | me, but I would prefer Haskell over Erlang.
> > 
> > A student here at Chalmers, made a project rather like that:
> > 
> > http://www.dum.chalmers.se/~marvin/hws-wp/
> Thanks for the advertising. ;) Unfortunately, that server is broken.
> I've put up a (hopefully complete) copy on
> http://www.mdstud.chalmers.se/~md9ms/hws-wp/

Wonderful. Since it seems they've managed to break that server right
after I put the stuff up, I've (yet again) put the stuff on another


Let's hope this one doesn't break. Sigh.

Martin Sjögren
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]              ICQ : 41245059
  Phone: +46 (0)31 7710870       Cell: +46 (0)739 169191
  GPG key: http://www.strakt.com/~martin/gpg.html
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