On Fri, 11 Jul 2003, Volker Stolz wrote:

> >
> > createPipe :: IO (Fd,Fd) (Unkown alternatives)
> I suppose you have to pass this descriptor to another process
> through fork()?

(piper,pipew) <- createPipe
mpid <- forkProcess
case mpid of
Nothing -> do  --child
             nobytes <- fdWrite pipew stringToSend
Just pid -> do --parent
             (string,nobytes) <- fdRead piper stringReceived maxBytes

> There's System.Posix.IO.fdToHandle :: Fd -> IO Handle
> > What about ?
> > threadReadWait :: Int -> IO()
> > Should I convert a Handle into a Int ?

I suppose there is System.Posix.IO.handleToFd :: Handle -> IO (Fd)
and then

(piper,pipew) <- createPipe
piperHandle <- fdToHandle(piper)
threadWaitRead ( fdToInt(handleToFd(piperHandle)) )
message <- hGetLine piperHandle --or whatever.

> Yes, that should work, too, but you won't know how many bytes are available.
> You could use or adapt one of the *MayBlock-ellipses from Foreign.C.Error
> together with threadWaitRead, but that's making things even more ugly.
> Volker

OK. Don't worry.

Thank you very much. Very usefull.

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