On Wednesday 31 Dec 2003 8:56 am, Adrian Hey wrote:
> Intended use is something like this...
> {-# notInline libXYZRef #-}
> libXYZRef :: LibRef
> libXYZRef = unsafePerformIO newLibRef
> main :: IO ()
> main = finally (initLibXYZ >> userMain) (killLibRef libXYZRef
>  shutDownLibXYZ)
> -- initLibXYZ and shutDownLibXYZ are Haskell bindings to functions supplied
> -- by libXYZ

Actually, using..
 main = finally (initLibXYZ >> userMain)
                (performGC >> killLibRef libXYZRef shutDownLibXYZ)

seems to fix the problem, which isn't too surprising I guess.
But then again, if this is a reliable solution there's no need
for LibRef after all :-)

Adrian Hey

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