> Arjan van IJzendoorn wrote:
>  > I couldn't get finalisers to work either with the newForeignPtr from
>  > this module. I didn't know how to create a proper FunPtr. In
>  > Foreign.Concurrent there is a newForeignPtr that is easier to use:
>  > [deleted]

I seem to remeber running in to this problem a couple of years ago,
and if I remember correctly, I came to the conclusion that finalizers do
run at the end of the program, but *after* standard input is closed.

However, I don't remember anymore how I came to this conclusion :) I did
manage to find some evidence in favour of this though. The following is
your program with a finalizer that is observable in other means than printing
to standard output. It simply prints somethig to a file.

{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}
module Main where
import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.ForeignPtr hiding (newForeignPtr)
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc
import Foreign.Concurrent
import System.Mem

myFinalizer = do
  writeFile "apa" "fisk"
  putStrLn "My finalizer"

subproc = do
     (ptr :: Ptr Int) <- malloc
     finptr <- newForeignPtr ptr myFinalizer
     putStrLn "End of subproc"

main = do
     putStrLn "End of program"

This is what happens:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/tmp> ghc --make final.hs -o final
Chasing modules from: final.hs
Compiling Main             ( final.hs, ./final.o )
Linking ...
final  final.hs  final.o  Main.hi
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/tmp> ./final
End of subproc
End of program
apa  final  final.hs  final.o  Main.hi

We can see that the finalizer was run because the file was created,
but nothing was printed to the screen.

BTW, I'm using ghc 6.0.1


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