I would prefer to keep them on the list.  There are already a number of different lists, and (of course IMO) I can't see a need to read _only_ feature requests, so why separate them?

Adding a tag to the email that would let maildrop or procmail deliver it to a different folder would be a nice solution; those who want the current situation would do nothing, and those who would prefer not to see those messages can add a simple rule to maildrop.  (I hesitate to use "procmail" and "simple" in the same sentence, but it presumably wouldn't be terribly difficult there either.)

Simon Marlow wrote:
On 18 January 2005 14:42, Ketil Malde wrote:

I seem to be getting messages from Sourceforge from this mailing
list.  Is that an intended use for ghc-users?

It's intentional, but it can be easily turned off.  Do people want to
see feature-requests, task-list entries and so forth on this mailing
list, or should they be confined to, say, [EMAIL PROTECTED]?

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