On Thu, 27 Jan 2005 06:34:40 -0800, John Meacham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 27, 2005 at 04:23:52PM +0200, Krasimir Angelov wrote:
> > HSQL uses withCString internally. withCString strips the higher order
> > bytes from Char.
> You should be able to replace withCString with withUTF8String from my
> CWStringBasic module, which you can get from here:
> http://repetae.net/john/recent/src/HsLocale/CWStringBasic.hs
> and is part of my bigger HsLocale project  
> http://repetae.net/john/recent/out/HsLocale.html
> but just that one file should be enough if all you need is UTF8.
>        John

Santoemma Enrico said that Oracle ODBC driver expects UCS-2 instead of
UTF-8 so this will not help.

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