On 16 March 2005 04:14, Ian Lynagh wrote:

> An alpha build of ghc 6.4 quickly fails because of the
> #if alpha_TARGET_ARCH
> import PrimRep      ( getPrimRepSize, isFloatingRep )
> import Type     ( typePrimRep )
> #endif
> in ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcForeign.lhs which no longer exist.
> Fortunately, the imported functions aren't used either.
> Unfortunately, the build then fails when it comes to try to compile
> this 
> same file as the typeMachRepRep function, used in this piece of code:
> \begin{code}
> #include "nativeGen/NCG.h"
> #if alpha_TARGET_ARCH
> checkFEDArgs arg_tys
>   = check (integral_args <= 32) err
>   where
>     integral_args = sum [ machRepByteWidth rep
>             | (rep,hint) <- map typeMachRepRep arg_tys,
>               hint /= FloatHint ]
>     err = ptext SLIT("On Alpha, I can only handle 4
> non-floating-point arguments to foreign export dynamic") #else
> checkFEDArgs arg_tys = returnM ()
> #endif
> \end{code}
> doesn't exist. Is this fixable?

I think you want to use something like typeMachRep in

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