On Thu, 17 Mar 2005 20:42:30 +0100, Dmitri Pissarenko
> Hello!
> In the attachment you will find a file, in which I try to access Java from
> Haskell using the Java bridge for functional languages.
> For details see
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/jvm-bridge/
> and
> http://dapissarenko.com/resources/2005_02_17_eigenvaluesJava/2005_02_17_eigenva
> luesJava.pdf
> When I try to compile the attached file using
> ghc +RTS -c -RTS -package javavm  -c EigenvalueCalculatorHaskell.hs -o
> EigenvalueCalculatorHaskell.o
> I get the error
> EigenvalueCalculatorHaskell.hs:28: parse error on input `putStrLn'
> Unfortunately, I have not the slightest idea about how to fix/isolate it (I
> already commented out almost the whole code).
> Please tell me what I could try to correct the error. I appreciate ANY hint.

Use 'do {let {foo = baz}; bar }'. And Haskell code look _a lot_
prettier when using the layout to structure the program.

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