oh, erm, maybe i was not clear enough.
i did not mean that imperative languages are better. far from it.
i meant that their compile-time error messages show more lexical miswritings 
than complex mistakes.
their complex mistakes cause runtime-errors. and with logs and debugs of the 
running program you find mainly "the first abnormal behaviour that is caused by 
that bug".
so, the complex compile-error messages of haskell code are unusual for 
imperative languages.

- marc

Am Mittwoch, 29. Juni 2005 05:20 schrieb Seth Kurtzberg:
> I don't disagree with the main thrust, but the idea that imperative 
> language are, in general, better about error messages is not, in my 
> opinion, true.  There is a large variation, of course, but for certain 
> types of errors in an imperative language the compiler simply can't get 
> a correct handle on what is wrong (because of ambiguities that cannot be 
> removed).
> I, and I'm sure everyone else, would always be in support of more 
> detailed error messages, and I agree that the examples cited increase 
> the clarity.  In my opinion this increase is significant and worth doing.
> I just wanted to correct any assumption that imperative language don't 
> suffer from error message problems.  Fundamentally, they suffer more, 
> and are in many cases impossible to fix.  In my experience GHC error 
> locations always have some relationship to the error in coding, although 
> of course the error message may at times be hard to interpret because 
> the programmer believes he has coded a function with a particular 
> signature but, in fact, has coded the function with a different inferred 
> type.  (Of course we all always explicitly specify function signatures 
> and avoid this problem entirely.     :-)       )
> Marc A. Ziegert wrote:
> >greetings.
> >
> >i have to agree with Peter. it's really no fun to read the error messages.
> >
> >
> >i do not have a big problem with those; but i'm not a newbie anymore, and as 
> >newbie...
> >i always just understood nothing more than that single given LINENUMBER 
> >within all that output-spam. well, most times it was enough.
> >
> >the trick is:
> >to throw the code against the --Wall tests whether it is al dente or crumbly.
> >the solution is to type the types and to look about where the bugs are 
> >running.
> >hey, of course, they like crumbs. ;-)
> >
> >especially for newbies it is really confusing, that the compiler output does 
> >not always show the real position of the bug (like in imperative languages),
> >but the first found abnormal behaviour that is caused by that bug (like in 
> >runtime errors).
> >
> >now that i saw that clean hugs output, i thought about it a little bit more:
> >one does not need pages of error-description written in the style of... 
> >juristic blah,
> >but a clear description about what's wrong and maybe some hints to solve it.
> >
> >
> >
> >in that given example
> >  
> >
> >>1 module Test7 where
> >>2
> >>3 len' xs = head (xs) + (length xs)
> >>4 o = len' "GH"
> >>    
> >>
> >
> >i would prefer an output like this:
> >
> >TYPE MISMATCH in "Test7.hs": line 4, col 5
> > in Expression      : len' "GH"
> > between Function   : len'
> >     and Parameter  :      "GH"
> > with Types         :: [Int] -> [Int]
> >                    :: [Char]
> > HINT: type of      : (len')
> >       is caused by   missing explicit type declaration
> >                      len' :: [Int] -> [Int]
> >
> >well, if we replace ("GH") with (f x) and (len') with (g y) then it should 
> >look like
> >
> >TYPE MISMATCH in "Test7.hs": line 4, col 5
> > in Expression      : g y (f x)
> > between Function   : g y
> >     and Parameter  :     (f x)
> > with Types         :: [Int] -> [Int]
> >                    :: [Char]
> > HINT: type of      : (g y)
> >       is caused by    g   :: a -> [a] -> [a]
> >                         y :: Int
> > HINT: type of      : (f x)
> >       is caused by    f   :: X -> String
> >                         x :: X
> > HINT: expression   : f
> >       could be mistaken. (Compile with --Wall for more hints.)
> >
> >
> >well, i do not know how hard it is to implement that, but at least without 
> >hints it is less irritating than the old style.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >- Marc
> >
> >
> >
> >Am Dienstag, 28. Juni 2005 21:43 schrieb Peter A Jonsson:
> >  
> >
> >>Hello,
> >>
> >>I read the summary of the survey and noticed you wanted feedback on
> >>where error messages could be improved. I looked up some (simple)
> >>examples of type errors and ran them through ghc. I do not make any
> >>claims to be an HCI expert, just a mere mortal with an opinion.
> >>
> >>Code:
> >>
> >>1 module Test2 where
> >>2
> >>3 fib n = if (3 > n) then 1 else (fib (n - 1) + fib (n - 2))
> >>4 k = fib 's'
> >>
> >>Error message:
> >>
> >>Test2.hs:4:
> >>    No instance for (Num Char)
> >>      arising from use of `fib' at Test2.hs:4
> >>    In the definition of `k': k = fib 's'
> >>
> >>This isn't a bad error message in my humble opinion, it does pinpoint
> >>that I'm doing something wrong in line 4, and that there isn't an
> >>instance for Num Char doesn't come as a surprise. However I think it
> >>could have been more helpful by telling me that I tried to pass a Char
> >>to a function which expected an (Ord a, Num a) => a as its parameter.
> >>
> >>Code:
> >>
> >>1 module Test4 where
> >>2 
> >>3 k :: Int -> Int
> >>4 k l = 2.0*l
> >>
> >>Error message:
> >>
> >>Test4.hs:4:
> >>    No instance for (Fractional Int)
> >>      arising from the literal `2.0' at Test4.hs:4
> >>    In the first argument of `(*)', namely `2.0'
> >>    In the definition of `k': k l = 2.0 * l
> >>
> >>One reason this kind of error could happen is an inexperienced user
> >>declaring the wrong type for his function, or not knowing that 2.0
> >>would be interpreted as a Fractional.
> >>
> >>Code:
> >>
> >>1 module Test7 where
> >>2
> >>3 len' xs = head (xs) + (length xs)
> >>4 o = len' "GH"
> >>
> >>Error message:
> >>
> >>Test7.hs:4:
> >>    Couldn't match `Int' against `Char'
> >>        Expected type: [Int]
> >>        Inferred type: [Char]
> >>    In the first argument of `len'', namely `"GH"'
> >>    In the definition of `o': o = len' "GH"
> >>
> >>I ran this through Hugs version November 2002 and got this error
> >>message:
> >>
> >>ERROR "Test7.hs":4 - Type error in application
> >>*** Expression     : len' "GH"
> >>*** Term           : "GH"
> >>*** Type           : String
> >>*** Does not match : [Int]
> >>
> >>I find the Hugs message more clear, but that might be my background.
> >>
> >>Code:
> >>
> >>1 module Test8 where
> >>2
> >>3 f = head 3
> >>
> >>Error message:
> >>
> >>Test8.hs:3:
> >>    No instance for (Num [a])
> >>      arising from the literal `3' at Test8.hs:3
> >>    Possible cause: the monomorphism restriction applied to the following:
> >>      f :: a (bound at Test8.hs:3)
> >>    Probable fix: give these definition(s) an explicit type signature
> >>    In the first argument of `head', namely `3'
> >>    In the definition of `f': f = head 3
> >>
> >>This one I find outright scary. For "wrong = div 3 8 + 1/2" it gives
> >>an error message that somewhat helps me guess the error, but the above
> >>doesn't even come close to helping me.
> >>
> >>/ Peter
> >>
> >>
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> >>
> >>    
> >>
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