On Thu, 23 Mar 2006, Duncan Coutts wrote:
On Thu, 2006-03-23 at 13:22 -0500, S. Alexander Jacobson wrote:
Snapshot downloads but locks up on a program that works fine w/ 6.4.

I'm afraid we'll need a little more information than that if you intend
this as a bug report.

Ok, I guess the easiest way to reproduce is:

  0. curl http://searchpath.org/searchpath/SearchPath.hs > SearchPath.hs
  1. ghc --make -main-is SearchPath SearchPath.hs -o sp
  2. darcs get http://pass.net/s/repo pass.net
  3. cd pass.net
  4. ..\sp ghci  -DINTERACTIVE -isrc --internet 
http://searchpath.org/default.map src/Main.hs
  5. main
  6. open firefox or IE to http://localhost:8000

Searchpath will take care of downloading all the required libraries into the .haskell_cache directory. Normally hitting 'e' at this point should exit main and return you to the ghci shell, but that doesn't appear to be working in 6.4.2 either or responds so slowly as to effectiveyl be the same.

Note: What appears to be happenning is that the whole thing is just sloowwww under 6.4.2. It appears to be doing the right thing, but at such a slow pace as to be unusable.


S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565 http://alexjacobson.com

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