Bulat Ziganshin wrote:

1) lazyGet/lazyPut. it's no problem to copy your implementation but i
still don't understand how lazyGet should work - it share the same
buffer pointer as one used in `get`. so `get` and consuming structure
returned by lazyGet should interfere

lazyGet can only be used to read something that was written with lazyPut. lazyPut writes the offset of the end of the serialised data at the beginning, so that lazyGet can skip over it, and subsequent gets start from the next item in the stream.

btw, btw. Haskell type classes has many non-obvious peculiarities. for
example, it was not easy for to understand that Haskell resolve all
overloading at compile time but finds what overloaded function to call
at runtime (well, i can't even describe this behavior). can you
recommend me paper to read about using Haskell class system?

I recommend compiling a few programs and investigating the Core with -ddump-ds and -ddump-simpl to find out what GHC really does.

Overloading isn't all "resolved at compile time", most of the time dictionaries of functions are passed around representing class predicates.


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