Li, Peng wrote:
On 6/21/06, Simon Peyton-Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

New worker threads are spawned on as needed.  You'll need as many of
them as you have simultaneously-blocked foreign calls. If you have 2000
simultaneously-blocked foreign calls, you'll need 2000 OS threads to
support them, which probably won't work.

2000 OS threads definitely sound scary, but it is possible to work.
The Linux NPTL threads can scale well up to 10K threads and the stack
address spaces would be sufficient on 64-bit systems.

I am thinking about some p2p applications where each peer is
maintaining a huge amount of TCP connections to other peers, but most
of these connections are idle. Unforturnately the default GHC RTS is
multiplexing I/O using "select", which is O(n) and it seems to have a
FDSET size limit of 1024.

That makes me wonder if the current design of the GHC RTS is optimal
in the long run. As software and hardware evolves, we will have
efficient OS threads (like NPTL)  and huge (64-bit) address spaces.
My guess is

(1) It is always a good idea to multiplex GHC user-level threads on OS
threads, because it improve performance.
(2) It may not be optimal to multiplex nonblocking I/O inside the GHC
RTS, because it is unrealistic to have an event-driven I/O interface
that is both efficient (like AIO/epoll) and portable (like
select/poll). What is worse, nonblocking I/O still blocks on disk
accesses. On the other hand, the POSIX threads are portable and it can
be efficiently implemented on many systems. At least on Linux, NPTL
easily beats "select"!

My wish is to have a future GHC implementation that (a) uses blocking
I/O directly provided by the OS, and (b) provides more control over OS
threads and the internal worker thread pool.  Using blocking I/O will
simplify the current design and allow the programmer to take advantage
of high-performance OS threads. If non-blocking I/O is really needed,
the programmer can use customized, Claessen-style threads wrapped in
modular libraries---some of my preliminary tests show that
Claessen-style threads can do a much better job to multiplex
asynchronous I/O.

I've read your paper, and I expect many others here have read it, too. The results are definitely impressive.

Ultimately what we want to do is to use a more flexible I/O library (eg. streams) that lets you choose the low-level I/O mechanism for each individual stream while maintaining the same high-level interface. If you want to use blocking I/O and OS threads to do the multiplexing, then you could do that. Similarly, if you want to use epoll underneath, then we should provide a way to do that. I imagine that most people will want epoll (or equivalent) by default, because that will give the best performance, but we'll have the portable fallback of OS threads if the system doesn't have an epoll equivalent, or we haven't implemented it.

Am I right in thinking this will address your concerns? Mainly you are worried that you have no choice but to use the supplied select() implementation on Unix systems, right?

There's one further advantage to using epoll as opposed to blocking read/write: the extra level of indirection means that the runtime can easily interrupt a thread that is blocked in I/O, because typically it will in fact be blocked on an MVar waiting to be unblocked by the thread performing epoll. It is much harder to interrupt a thread blocked in an OS call. (currently on Windows where we currently use blocking read/write, throwTo doesn't work when the target thread is blocked on I/O, whereas it does work on Unix systems where we multiplex I/O using select()). This means that you can implement blocking I/O with a timeout in Haskell, for example.

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