With GHC 6.4.x I was able to use a ghc driver to compile .cpp sources. Now, with GHC HEAD I cannot. GHC HEAD now ALWAYS enforces "treat as .c" option.

Let's compare "DriverPipeline.hs".

GHC 6.4.x:

let langopt | hcc = [ SysTools.Option "-x", SysTools.Option "c"]
           | otherwise = [ ]

SysTools.runCc dflags (
   -- force the C compiler to interpret this file as C when
   -- compiling .hc files, by adding the -x c option.
   -- Also useful for plain .c files, just in case GHC saw a
   -- -x c option.
       langopt ++ ...


SysTools.runCc dflags (
   -- force the C compiler to interpret this file as C when
   -- compiling .hc files, by adding the -x c option.
   -- Also useful for plain .c files, just in case GHC saw a
   -- -x c option.
       [ SysTools.Option "-x", SysTools.Option "c"] ++ ...

This completely breaks my build infrastructure. Could it be reversed?

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