while on the subject of user preferences, does the current round
of Hugs/GHC releases on Windows do away with that "we take
over the handling of Haskell files, no matter what the user wanted"?
Nope :) I emailed off to people about this offering to cooperate
nicely with GHC and Hugs, but no one ever got back to me, so both
WinHugs and GHC steal the preferences. ..
well, you can't change what other people do, but you can make
sure that Hugs doesn't steal ;)
- register file type handlers optionally (I think Hugs already does
this, but GHC doesn't?)
- only _add_ file type handlers, never override existing ones
nor change the default handler without user confirmation
Haskell beginners will not have any Haskell file type handlers
registered, but even then the installers should ask before setting
defaults, shouldn't they?
(and no, going via WinHugs :e is not an option,
eg when browsing files from some darcs repo on the web)
Have you used a recent copy of WinHugs?
oops. I was sure I had, and had encountered problems with
starting the editor (:e) on internet files which WinHugs was not
equipped to handle (non-standard extensions, missing imports, ..).
something like messed up temporary files paths to the downloaded
file, which the editor couldn't find when called from WinHugs, I
seem to recall.. - but I can't reproduce the problem with
"Version: 20051031".
offering to call an editor via WinHugs looks nice and convenient
when there are no editors registered, but isn't really the way to
go otherwise, is it? There was a time when I needed to open
Haskell files with several editors, for testing, and in any case,
why should editor actions go via other software?
I'd love to make Edit be the default, i.e. rename it to Open, and then
add Open with WinHugs. However, this is a change in how WinHugs
operates. Initially I tried to adhere quite closely to how WinHugs
worked before I hacked on it, now I think the time has come to have
Open be Edit and add Open in WinHugs.
why not make that "Open with WinHugs" and "Edit via WinHugs"
and let the user decide which, if any, of these should be default?
any chance of Haskell implementations being less greedy and more
cooperative on Windows this time round?-)
This time around, no - you just missed the boat on WinHugs and you're
probably too late for GHC 6.6. Next time around, perhaps.
oh, you mean I should have mentioned this earlier, as in
for instance?-)
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