I won't have an Intel mac for another 30 days or so. I intend to do whatever it takes to get a working ghc 6.6 on that platform.

Is no one working on this port? It seems to me that this should be a very simple port ( as simple as GHC ports get... ). I am surprised it isn't done yet.

On Oct 2, 2006, at 11:31 AM, Rodney D Price wrote:


I would like to help, but my time is limited and my knowledge of GHC
internals is nearly non-existent.  I am, however, very interested in
seeing GHC run on Mac Intel.  I particularly want to see the full STM
mechanism, including "check", running on the Mac.  Are there small
pieces of this problem that I could help with?


On Oct 2, 2006, at 11:23 AM, Thorkil Naur wrote:


Let me make that offer, then, that I would like to help investigate and fix GHC on MacOS. The obstacles that I have mentioned earlier are ones that I would eventually have removed in any case, so don't worry, I will not be
wasting any time.

Regards Thorkil

On Monday 02 October 2006 09:31, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:
Thanks -- in fact we've had a few helpful offers of access (which is v helpful). We may still yet take you up, but meanwhile don't do too much

So far, no one has offered to help investigate/fix GHC on MacOS, so
progress may be slow. We'd love to hear from keen MacOS users who are
willing to roll their sleeves up!


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