On Wed, 11 Oct 2006, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:

Correct.  GHC generates
        case (x# >=# 0#) of { True -> ...; False -> ... }
But the argument discount only applies when we have
        case y of { ... }

So you really want a discount for the args of a primop.

Do you think it should be that general? I was thinking the discount should only apply in the situtation where a case expression contains an expression with one free varaible that is a function argument, and all operations are primitive.

So I was thinking the right place to patch is in sizeExpr:

    size_up (Case (Var v) _ _ alts)
        | v `elem` top_args
        = ...

And make this branch activate is a wider range of circumstances. SamB is/was working on such a patch.

But making sure that all operations are primitive is not quite right, for instance in

f :: Int -> ...
f x | gcd x 21 > 1 = ...

we cannot give x an argument discount because (gcd (5::Int) 21) is not rewritten into 1 (for some strange reason).

So, is there a way of deciding if a primitive op will be rewritten if all its arguements are given?

Russell O'Connor                                      <http://r6.ca/>
``All talk about `theft,''' the general counsel of the American Graphophone
Company wrote, ``is the merest claptrap, for there exists no property in
ideas musical, literary or artistic, except as defined by statute.''
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