On Oct 28, 2006, at 10:14 AM, Gregory Wright wrote:
My guess is that your
compiler was built without OpenGL support.  If you downloaded a binary
compiler, you're stuck until someone adds it. Look at the output of

        ghc-pkg list

Do you see GLUT-* andfOpenGL-* ? If not, you do not have OpenGL support.

$ ghc-pkg list
    Cabal-1.1.6, GLUT-2.0, HGL-3.1, HUnit-1.1, OpenGL-2.1,
    QuickCheck-1.0, X11-1.1, base-2.0, cgi-2006.9.6, fgl-5.2,
    (ghc-6.6), haskell-src-1.0, haskell98-1.0, html-1.0, mtl-1.0,
    network-2.0, parsec-2.0, readline-1.0, regex-base-0.71,
    regex-compat-0.71, regex-posix-0.71, rts-1.0, stm-2.0,
    template-haskell-2.0, time-1.0, unix-1.0, xhtml-2006.9.13

Since it failed at the gcc stage rather than the ghc stage, I don't think that it's that the package wasn't installed. I think something about the way the distribution was put together is wrong.

If you built your ghc from source, make sure you have enabled hopengl that the opengl libraries are found (save the build logs and look in the configuration sections).

This is the binary Intel build that is listed on the GHC 6.6 downloads page. It looks like something is wrong with that build. I guess I'll try building it from source instead.


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