It fails on PowerPC too, using the standard PPC distribution.


On Dec 1, 2006, at 6:41 PM, Deborah Goldsmith wrote:

This also fails in Hugs (crashes rather than hangs), so it looks like it's a problem with the GLUT binding on Mac OS X Intel rather than something specific to GHC. I'll see if I can find a PPC machine to try it on also.


On Dec 1, 2006, at 5:13 PM, Deborah Goldsmith wrote:

I can reproduce this with ghc-6.6 built from source as well. I sampled ghc while it was stuck like this, and it looks like it's trying to open a GUI event loop (not surprising if it's opening a window). It looks like something about that is not working.

Unfortunately, the Intel binary distribution on the downloads page is missing some of the OpenGL C headers, and so won't work properly either.


On Dec 1, 2006, at 10:19 AM, Joe Jones wrote:

Well, it doesn't lock the whole machine but loading Alpha3D.hs int
GHCi and typing main causes a window to be displayed with no content
and ghc 6.6 locked up, requiring a hard kill.

On 12/1/06, Sven Panne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Am Mittwoch, 29. November 2006 19:29 schrieb Joe Jones:
> [...] Anyone know of any issues with the current HOpenGL on Intel? [...]

The Haskell versions of the NeHe tutorials work for me on x86_64 openSUSE 10.1 (GHC 6.6 and bleeding edge GHC from darcs repo, perhaps a few weeks old), so I guess that this is a Mac issue. Jason converted the tutorials on a G4, so I assume it is a problem with Mac + Intel. I don't have access to such a
platform, so some help is needed. Do any of the examples from

work on your platform?


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