Jefferson Heard wrote:
some simple fix that would make code generated by GreenCard work, or is there some alternative tool that will make it work? What's the status of C2HS?

Marc Weber wrote:
When using cabal and GreenCard it might be the case that you have to
tweak setup.hs to add --libdir parameters. Probably it would be better
to update cabal. Maybe I've missed a point to configure it correctly?
If I can save you some minutes by dropping you me quick setup.hs hack
let me know it.

I should have answered this in before, sorry. GHC has not supported GreenCard since version 6.2. See Libraries_and_tools/Interfacing_other_languages

I ran into that problem while attempting to get gcjni-1.2 to work with GHC 6.4 awhile ago, got annoyed, and appended the warning to the Haskell Wiki page lest others ran into the same problem. The Alastair Reid's successor to GreenCard, based on Template Haskell, hasn't been finished yet (or perhaps it is dead?). For more automatic configuration, you might consider Template Haskell: see Ian Lynagh's "Template Haskell: A Report From the Field", at http:// .

There are still configuration parameters in the GHC build system for GreenCard but from what I have seen of the rest it seems that you would have to write your own support for the old _casm_ ffi bindings back into the source code practically from scratch (perhaps grabbing an archive of 6.1 would give you a better start).

Peter Tanski
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