Hello Simon,

Friday, March 16, 2007, 11:33:24 AM, you wrote:

btw, i had the same problems in my Streams for encoding/decoding
transformers. they was defined with structure

data WithEncoding m h = WithEncoding h !(Encoding m)    -- Encoding
                                       !(Char -> m ())  -- putChar inlined
                                       !(m Char)        -- getChar inlined

and getChar/putChar functions worked too slow despite all my usual
inlining stuff

> Can you give me a small program that demonstrates the issue?  (With
> any support modules it needs, but the less the better.)

> Thanks

> S

> | -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
> | Behalf Of Duncan Coutts
> | Sent: 16 March 2007 00:56
> | To: glasgow-haskell-users@haskell.org
> | Subject: More speed please!
> |
> | All,
> |
> | So here's the Put monad for the binary serialisation stuff:
> |
> | newtype Put a = Put {
> |         runPut :: (a -> Buffer -> [B.ByteString])
> |                      -> Buffer -> [B.ByteString]
> |     }
> |
> | data Buffer = Buffer {-# UNPACK #-} !(ForeignPtr Word8)
> |                      {-# UNPACK #-} !Int                -- offset
> |                      {-# UNPACK #-} !Int                -- used bytes
> |                      {-# UNPACK #-} !Int                -- length left
> |
> | This is all good, and pretty quick. Code like the following gets turned
> | into great low level code:
> |
| foo :: Word8 ->> Put ()
> | foo !n = do
> |   word8 n
> |   word8 (n+1)
> |   word8 (n+17)
> |
> | It does a straight line sequence of writes into memory (there are rules
> | that combine the bounds checking of adjacent writes). After that it
> | calls the continuation with a new buffer.
> |
> | While almost everything is unboxed, the parameters to the continuation
> | are not unboxed. So we have to allocate a new Buffer structure and pass
> | that to the continuation:
> |
> | let {
> |       sat_s1F8 =
> |           NO_CCS PutMonad.Buffer! [ww1_s1Es
> |                                    ww2_s1Et
> |                                    ww3_s1Ew
> |                                    sat_s1F4
> |                                    sat_s1F6];
> |     } in
> |       w_s1DY
> |           GHC.Base.()
> |           sat_s1F8;
> |
> | w_s1DY being the continuation here.
> |
> | However we know that really the parameters to this continuation could
> | really be unboxed since we construct all these continuations explicitly
> | in this module. We could re-write the monad type by manually explicitly
> | unboxing the Buffer argument:
> |
> | newtype Put a = Put {
> |         runPut :: (a -> Addr# -> ForeignPtrContents -> Int# -> Int# -> Int# 
> -> [B.ByteString])
> |                      -> Addr# -> ForeignPtrContents -> Int# -> Int# -> Int# 
> -> [B.ByteString]
> |     }
> |
> | Then we'd get no allocations and no heap checks in the fast path.
> |
> | Note that we could still get a continuation in from the 'outside' with
> | the original type and convert it to one with the above type, though
> | obviously that involves unpacking the arguments. This unpacking is
> | basically what the wrapper of a worker/wrapper pair does of course.
> |
> | Obviously this is ugly. We'd much rather write the original and with
> | just a couple annotations get the above representation. This is what I
> | would like to write:
> |
> | newtype Put a = Put {
> |         runPut :: (a -> {-# UNPACK #-} !Buffer -> [B.ByteString])
> |                      -> {-# UNPACK #-} !Buffer -> [B.ByteString]
> |     }
> |
> | So I'm declaring a type and a data constructor that contains a function
> | that is strict in one of it's arguments.
> |
> | I do not wish to distinguish the strictness in the type however, that is
> | it should be perfectly ok to do this:
> |
| foo :: Foo ->> Buffer -> [B.ByteString]
> |
> | Put foo newBuffer :: Put Foo
> |
> | Suppose that in this case we do not know locally that foo is strict and
> | can take it's args unboxed then upon applying the Put constructor we
> | just have to apply a wrapper function that boxes up the args and
> | supplies them to the wrapped function.
> |
> | Obviously that'd be a pessimisation, having to re-box args, however we
> | can expect programmers to only use that UNPACK pragma when they know
> | that it is going to be a win overall.
> |
> | So the ! on the arg is a semantic change and the pragma is a
> | representation change but not a semantic change. The ! means the obvious
> | thing, that the function is strict in that arg. So either the caller or
> | calle must ensure the arg is evaluated to WHNF.
> |
> | Hmm, is the UNPACK actually needed then? Normally when ghc determines
> | that a func is strict in an arg it make the worker unbox that arg if
> | possible and that always seems to be a win. Mine you, in that case we
> | know what the function is going to do with each arg, where as here we do
> | not so perhaps a separate UNPACK makes sense.
> |
> | This issues crops up quite a bit with Monads I think. For example GHC
> | defines it's IO monad to return an unboxed tuple:
> |
> | newtype IO a = IO (State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, a #))
> |
> | This is fine for low level internal code, but for everyday monads it'd
> | be nice to be able to write nice code and still get great performance.
> | This applies to monads particularly since they very often fully
> | encapsulate the function used as the internal representation, that is
> | all the sites where the representation function is constructed and taken
> | apart are in a single module. So we can 'see' that all uses are strict
> | in some arg. Or if they're not we might want them to be.
> |
> | So instead of doing an analysis to figure out if we're always using it
> | strictly (which is something that jhc/grin might be able to do?) we can
> | just declare the data representation to be strict like we do with
> | ordinary algebraic data types, that way it propagates strictness to the
> | usage sites which is much more convenient than going around strictifying
> | all the usage sites in an attempt to make an analysis notice that it's
> | safe to do a representation change.
> |
> | Ok, I'm done. :-)
> |
> | Duncan
> |
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Best regards,
 Bulat                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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