
I implemented this a couple of weeks ago but forgot to push it.  Now INLINE 
pragmas survive across interface files.  I hope it's useful.


| -----Original Message-----
| Behalf Of Duncan Coutts
| Sent: 14 March 2007 11:59
| To: glasgow-haskell-users@haskell.org
| Subject: noinline in where clauses again
| I winged before about NOINLINE pragma on things defined locally in a
| where clause not doing what I expected:
| http://www.mail-archive.com/glasgow-haskell-users@haskell.org/msg10338.html
| Turns out that one was fixed in ghc HEAD.
| I've got another similar one which is not working as I expect in 6.6 or
| in head from 1st March.
| This example is from an experimental re-implementation of the Put monad
| in Data.Binary:
| write :: Int -> (Ptr Word8 -> IO ()) -> Put ()
| write !n body = Put $ \c buf@(Buffer fp o u l) ->
|   if n <= l
|     then write' c fp o u l
|     else write' (flushOld c n fp o u) (newBuffer c n) 0 0 0
|   where {-# NOINLINE write' #-}
|         write' c !fp !o !u !l =
|           -- warning: this is a tad hardcore
|           B.inlinePerformIO
|             (withForeignPtr fp
|               (\p -> body $! (p `plusPtr` (o+u))))
|           `seq` c () (Buffer fp o (u+n) (l-n))
| {-# INLINE [1] write #-}
| Then we use it with things like
| word8 :: Word8 -> Put ()
| word8 !w = write 1 (pokeWord8 w)
| pokeWord8 :: Word8 -> Ptr Word8 -> IO ()
| pokeWord8 w p = poke p w
| Then there's a rule so that things like:
| foo :: Word8 -> Put ()
| foo !n = do
|   word8 n
|   word8 (n+1)
|   word8 (n+17)
| get turned into a single call to write.
| Anyway, the point is that when we look at the stg/core we see that in
| write above, the write' has been inlined at the two call sites where as
| I want both branches of the if test to make calls to write'.
| The code is here:
| http://haskell.org/~duncan/binary/PutMonad.hs
| http://haskell.org/~duncan/binary/PutTest.hs
| the stg from ghc-6.6 is:
| http://haskell.org/~duncan/binary/PutTest.stg
| with ghc head from 1st March the result is different but still inlines
| write' in both branches.
| Duncan
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