On Dec 11, 2007, at 3:23 AM, Carsten Keßler wrote:


so does the GMP.framework installed via MacPorts do it, or not?! Apparently, it doesn't:


Macintosh-4:~ Carsten$ port installed
The following ports are currently installed:
  gmp @4.2.2_0 (active)
  readline @5.2.007_0+darwin_9 (active)

Hi Carsten,

MacPorts does not install gmp as a framework (that is, native OS X style). Instead it installs it as a unix style library, usually in /opt/local/ lib.

MacPorts patches the configure.ac file to remove the test for the gmp
framework.  You can do this by hand, then run "autoreconf".  Then
specify --with-gmp-includes=<path to gmp.h> and --with-gmp- libraries=<path to libgmp>
to configure to ensure the installed gmp is found.

Best Wishes,

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