Felix Martini wrote:
On Dec 16, 2007 3:38 PM, Yitzchak Gale wrote:
No, the two are not the same. It is the User Profile folder.
It is not a Unix-style home directory - there is no such concept
on Windows. The two are used very differently.

I guess we disagree about that. I believe what Micosoft calls the user
profile folder is equivalent to what is called the user home folder in
Unix. This is especially obvious in Vista, most folder names are the
same as in OSX, e.g. C:\Users\Felix\Music and /Users/Felix/Music.

FWIW, here on Linux I didn't like all my automatically generated-in-$HOME stuff being spewed all over my own organization, so

]echo $HOME
(I'm in GoboLinux which uses "/Users" rather than "/home", which isn't important to this)

and my .zshrc has
cd; cd ..
(a.k.a. cd /Users/me)
to take me to my personal home directory in the non-Unix sense. It's a bit of a nuisance sometimes, but worth it for me; the worst that happens is sometimes I have to go up a level first in file-chooser dialogs or "~/../" paths.


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