Bulat Ziganshin:
for me, GMP is much more problematic issue. strictly speaking, we
can't say that GHC is BSD-licensed because it includes LGPL-licensed
code (and that much worse, it includes this code in run-time libs)

Of course, GHC is BSD3 licensed. It includes the GMP code as part of its tar ball to save people from the hassle to separately install GMP on platforms that don't have it by default (ie, essentially all non- Linux OSes). That doesn't change the license of GHC at all. It is a mere aggregation of different projects.

Even binary distributions of GHC that include libgmp.a and statically link it into compiled code are not a problem. You may even use such GHC distributions to compile proprietary code and distribute it. All that is needed to make this legal is to (a) properly acknowledge the use of GMP in the code and (b) give users access to another version of the proprietary program that links GMP dynamically. Point (b) is sufficient to comply with Section 4(d) of the LGPL, which requires you to enable users to swap one version of GMP for another in a program that uses GMP.


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