Bernd Brassel wrote:
There is another point that makes me wonder now. If the update frame for
the recursive call is the problem then my solution with foreign C
functions would produce a bad stack also. But this is not the case.
The code looks now like this:

sim []     = True
sim (_:xs) = yags (sim xs)

ref = cinitialize

yags x = replace (C_Ref ref) x ()

And it is running within 0.15M of stack.
Did your explanation also account for this phenomenon?

Sorry to take that much time off you with this!

The stack of update frames is not in itself a problem, because stack squeezing removes them leaving you with O(1) stack again. The problem with unsafePerformIO was that the duplication-protection was interfering with stack squeezing.

Regarding sharing analysis, we did used to have an update analyser in GHC, but it was expensive to run and rarely gave worthwhile benefits, so eventually we dropped it. Perhaps there are some trivial examples of unshared thunks that we could spot, though.

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