Judah Jacobson wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 1:39 PM, Dominic Steinitz
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I've built ghc previously and I assumed to keep it up to date I just did

> From that error, I suspect you have a conflict in the editline
> package, and the compiler is barfing on the marker "vvvvvv" which is
> inserted by darcs.  Strange...
> If you weren't planning on hacking editline, it's probably easiest to
> just rm -rf the libraries/editline directory and do another "darcs-all
> get" to replace it with a consistent version.  Otherwise, send me the
> darcs --changes of that repo and I can take a look at it.
> Hope that helps,
> -Judah


Thanks for your help but now I'm getting a mismatch between ghc and
ghc-pkg. I'm not sure how to fix this.


> Preprocessing library template-haskell-2.2...
> Generating Makefile template-haskell-2.2...
> make[2]: Entering directory `/home/dom/ghc/libraries/template-haskell'
> make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/dom/ghc/libraries/template-haskell'
> Registering template-haskell-2.2...
> Reading package info from "dist/inplace-pkg-config" ... done.
> Saving old package config file... done.
> Writing new package config file... done.
> rm -f -f stamp/configure.library.*.editline editline/unbuildable
> ../utils/mkdirhier/mkdirhier `dirname stamp/configure.library.build.editline`
> ( cd editline && setup/Setup configure  --prefix=/NONEXISTENT 
> --bindir=/NONEXIST
> ENT --libdir=/NONEXISTENT --libsubdir='$pkgid' --libexecdir=/NONEXISTENT 
> --datad
> ir=/NONEXISTENT --docdir=/NONEXISTENT --haddockdir=/NONEXISTENT 
> --htmldir=/NONEX
> ISTENT --with-compiler=/home/dom/ghc/compiler/stage1/ghc-inplace 
> --with-hc-pkg=/
> home/dom/ghc/utils/ghc-pkg/ghc-pkg-inplace 
> --with-hsc2hs=/home/dom/ghc/utils/hsc
> 2hs/hsc2hs-inplace --with-ld=/usr/bin/ld 
> --haddock-options="--use-contents=../in
> dex.html --use-index=../doc-index.html"    --configure-option=--with-cc=gcc ) 
> \
>               && touch stamp/configure.library.build.editline || touch 
> editline/
> unbuildable
> Warning: defaultUserHooks in Setup script is deprecated.
> Configuring editline-0.2...
> Setup: Version mismatch between ghc and ghc-pkg:
> /home/dom/ghc/compiler/stage1/ghc-inplace is version 6.9.20080606
> /home/dom/ghc/utils/ghc-pkg/ghc-pkg-inplace is version 6.9.20080612
> if ifBuildable/ifBuildable /home/dom/ghc/libraries/boot-packages editline; 
> then
> \
>           cd editline && \
>           cmp -s /home/dom/ghc/libraries/Makefile.local Makefile.local || cp 
> /ho
> me/dom/ghc/libraries/Makefile.local .; \
>           mv GNUmakefile GNUmakefile.tmp; \
>           setup/Setup makefile -f GNUmakefile; \
>           cmp -s GNUmakefile GNUmakefile.tmp && mv GNUmakefile.tmp 
> GNUmakefile;
> \
>           make -wr && \
>           setup/Setup register --inplace; \
>         fi
> Warning: Package is unbuildable
> rm -f -f stamp/configure.library.*.Cabal Cabal/unbuildable
> ../utils/mkdirhier/mkdirhier `dirname stamp/configure.library.build.Cabal`
> ( cd Cabal && setup/Setup configure  --prefix=/NONEXISTENT 
> --bindir=/NONEXISTENT
>  --libdir=/NONEXISTENT --libsubdir='$pkgid' --libexecdir=/NONEXISTENT 
> --datadir=
> --htmldir=/NONEXIST
> ENT --with-compiler=/home/dom/ghc/compiler/stage1/ghc-inplace 
> --with-hc-pkg=/hom
> e/dom/ghc/utils/ghc-pkg/ghc-pkg-inplace 
> --with-hsc2hs=/home/dom/ghc/utils/hsc2hs
> /hsc2hs-inplace --with-ld=/usr/bin/ld 
> --haddock-options="--use-contents=../index
> .html --use-index=../doc-index.html"    --configure-option=--with-cc=gcc ) \
>               && touch stamp/configure.library.build.Cabal || touch 
> Cabal/unbuil
> dable
> Configuring Cabal-1.5.1...
> Setup: Version mismatch between ghc and ghc-pkg:
> /home/dom/ghc/compiler/stage1/ghc-inplace is version 6.9.20080606
> /home/dom/ghc/utils/ghc-pkg/ghc-pkg-inplace is version 6.9.20080612
> if ifBuildable/ifBuildable /home/dom/ghc/libraries/boot-packages Cabal; then \
>           cd Cabal && \
>           cmp -s /home/dom/ghc/libraries/Makefile.local Makefile.local || cp 
> /ho
> me/dom/ghc/libraries/Makefile.local .; \
>           mv GNUmakefile GNUmakefile.tmp; \
>           setup/Setup makefile -f GNUmakefile; \
>           cmp -s GNUmakefile GNUmakefile.tmp && mv GNUmakefile.tmp 
> GNUmakefile;                                                            \
>           make -wr && \
>           setup/Setup register --inplace; \
>         fi
> mv: cannot stat `GNUmakefile': No such file or directory
> Setup: Run the 'configure' command first.
> make[2]: Entering directory `/home/dom/ghc/libraries/Cabal'
> ./setup configure --with-compiler=ghc --prefix=/usr/local
> make[2]: execvp: ./setup: Permission denied
> make[2]: *** [dist/setup-config] Error 127
> make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/dom/ghc/libraries/Cabal'
> make[1]: *** [make.library.Cabal] Error 2
> make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/dom/ghc/libraries'
> make: *** [stage1] Error 2

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