| >Indeed GHC does not attempt to retain the order of alternatives, although
| >a) it might be possible to do so by paying more attention in numerous places
| >b) GHC may do so already, by accident, in certain cases
| That adds even more unpredictability.
| very long list than the Cons-before-Nil order I wanted), but it is
| very frustrating if I'm not even given the chance because GHC
| sorts the alternatives, not even according to its own interpretation
| of branching performance, but completely arbitrarily!-)

All I'm saying is that GHC has never claimed to offer predictability here.  I 
understand that you find it frustrating, but there it is.  You are making a 
feature request.  Good!  Then someone needs to design it, and implement it in a 
way that is robust to the rather radical program optimizations that GHC does.  
I don't think either is straightforward, and at the moment I am snowed under.

It is possible that such a change might allow you to tune programs better; 
although I doubt such tuning would be portable.  (Your 5% figures are 
encouraging, but it's one thing to get a 5% gain on one program, and quite 
another to get a positive figure on every program.   I spend a lot of time 
looking at nofib numbers where some programs respond well to some changed 
optimization, and others slow down.)   I'm also a bit concerned that it would 
impose a new constraint on the entire compilation chain.

Your idea of simply ordering patterns is certainly appealing from the 
programming point of view.  I don't yet see how to propagate that information 
through the pattern compilation algorithm, retain the resulting information in 
the optimizer, and exploit it in a code generator.  But it might well be 
possible. Maybe you can write a Haskell workshop paper about it?

Simon's idea of an annotation that gives some idea of the likelihood of the 
value of an expression taking a particular form sounds promising for 
robustness.  Something like
        Note "80% chance of (:), 20% of []" (f x)
But it's not so good when there are multiple interacting parameters to a 
pattern match.


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